Dentist in Woking | Lorna Doone Dental, Woking Dentist

Why Use Us?

Professional education: We are registered with the General Dental Council for continuing professional development. The team regularly attends courses to keep abreast of the latest changes in dentistry.

Respect your teeth: We provide a program of preventative dental care unique for you as an individual to help you obtain and maintain a healthy mouth.

Smiley photoRespect your time: We realise that nobody likes waiting, and so make every effort to see you on time.

Respect your comfort: Many people are anxious about dental appointments, so we make it our priority to ensure your comfort; use of personal headphones can be a comfort. Always feel free to discuss any personal suggestions with our team.

Respect your budget: You will always know in advance the cost of your treatment plan and we will always inform you of all treatment options to best suit you.

Respect for safety: Here at Lorna Doone the practice is fully equipped with the latest equipment for patient and staff safety. All staff are fully immunised, vaccinated, and attend regular courses on cross infection control.

The best staff: To offer the highest level of dental care we can only offer the highest calibre dental team, all of which are trained to the highest level.